with the intention of arriving safely
in an attractive and well preserved body,
but rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand,
wine in the other, body thoroughly used up,
totally worn out and screaming
"WOO HOO, what a ride!"
A largely personal blog with much silliness, Tales of the Babe & Me and of Susan the Wonderchild, lots of cat photos, and other miscellaneous stories and observations.
A Blessed Solstice to All!
Thanksgiving weekend in Tacoma
"There's no evidence that seat belts have increased reckless driving.
There is no evidence that when we get tetanus shots, we seek rusty nails."
-- Judy Monroe, Indiana health commissioner on the subject of an STD vaccination (Merck's Gardasil) "promoting" sex among teenagers.
Thought du jour
The Tibetan word Bardo means literally "intermediate state" - also translated as "transitional state" or "in-between state" or "liminal state". ... In the West, the term bardo may also refer to times when our usual way of life becomes suspended ...
The Computer Bardo is that time taken waiting for a response from a computer. It may be, for example, after double-clicking on a file and waiting for it to load, waiting for a Web page to load, waiting for the Start Menu to appear after clicking Start, waiting for your login/reboot to end, waiting for a window to maximize, etc.
The Computer Bardo is typically wasted time, where life is suspended staring at a computer screen with an idle mind. It is not yet known how much time is spent in this state, but it is likely to be considerable, although divided into many short intervals.
During this time it is difficult, but not impossible, to do anything practical. One can train oneself to make use of the time, initially spending a few seconds doing a crossword, reading a short article, or meditating. With training, this time can be reclaimed to a certain extent.
Phrase du jour: "Computer bardo"
Some jokes just write themselves, y'know?
DVD of me in concert
Just came across a job listing for an entry-level position as a help desk operator in Iraq. The job offers a "competitive salary, bonus pay, comprehensive health plan, and a friendly and supportive work environment. Lunch meals provided."You know, as if support wasn't a hard enough job as it is....
I've been sitting here imagining the kinds of calls I'd get manning a help desk in Iraq.
"Help desk. How may I provide you with excellent service today?"
"Um, hi. I keep getting this error message on my PC... it says there's a device with an unsupported format attached to my USB port. Should I pull the port plug out, or...?"
"I wouldn't advise that at this moment, sir. What kind of operating system are using?"
"Windows Vista."
"No, I definitely wouldn't pull the port plug out at this time. Hey, Bob, we got another Vista IED! Sorry, sir; may I ask how many browsers you currently have open?"
Hey, wanna great job in Iraq doing customer support?
"Atlas Shrugged" -- 50th Anniversary
When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying the cross.
Quote du jour--Sinclair Lewis
Your thought for Friday
Sick and cranky :(
"We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give." --Winston Churchill
Thought du jour for Wednesday
A story from some years ago
Windows Vista: another bold step for Microsoft
30 years ago...
Yule letter this year!
Why you should date a Starbuck's Barista
Hey, I got quoted in Cringely's column! :)
Finished the last Harry Potter book
Silas the kitten
Unitarian Church in Mission Viejo
Kim's back
Time has passed, once again....
I'm not sure where to go with this
My Gawd, this explains a lot!
Random Mondayish thought for Tuesday morning
You can only get one good glass of lemonade out of a lemon.While I'm putting in a quote, let me add another one just because:
I wouldn't mind the born-agains half as much if so many of them hadn't suffered the same annoying birth defects during that second trip down the birth canal.
Misc thoughts for the day
Jesus Christ--The Musical
Dubya bumper stickers
Falwell's dead--it's a good day!
Weekend :)
And you thought you had no life....
Cleaning and itching
Added a MySpace account
Why abstinence programs don't work
Wotta day!
Honeymoon Gin ad infinitum
Shades of Roger Corman!
Useful non-committal responses
Is it fascism yet?
Kazim Ali's "Poetry is Dangerous"
Klingon technical writers