Saturday, March 06, 2010

I'm in pre-game

I'm running down my list of Things I Need To Do Before Leaving for SxSW. Today so far, I have: 
  • paid credit cards.
  • hit the bank to make a deposit.
  • sent info off to the SxSW conference--bios and photos and so on.
  • scheduled a haircut and beard trim.
  • took a huge pile of clothes and the tuxedo to the dry cleaner.
  • cleaned off still more of the desk surface.
Next on the list, I think I'm going to do a big file xfer to get the laptop taken care of.  I still have income taxes to do for Susan the Wonderchild and a bunch of other miscellaneous tasks.


Wednesday, March 03, 2010

The Muppet Wicker Man

For all my pagan friends, let me recommend The Muppet Wicker Man, which is really, um, strange.


Sunday, February 28, 2010

Overheard in New York

No, this isn't the lead-in to a gag; this is the lead-in to a website.  

Leah suggested I look at OverheardInNewYork.  I'd say this is an odd site except I have some idea that it's actually reflective of New York and the website is simply reporting accurately.  

Oh, dear....
