Saturday, December 10, 2005

Stupidity custom-fit for everyone!

I was at the store at the express line picking up chocolate to dip biscotti in for the concerts and there was a couple in front of me. They looked like dzhlubs--definitely not in the "world-beater" category. The guy was carefully explaining to my favorite cashier that red wine started fermentation with blood, which was why vegans couldn't drink it.

Say what?? I said "No, that's complete bullshit. I've made wine for years and taught winemaking and I've never heard of blood being used in the winemaking process." The guy replied "Maybe not, but you're an ass!" and the woman accompanying him demonstrated her capability for independent thought by adding, "Yes, you're an asshole!" and they scurried out. Oy!

The cashier said "Did they just call you an asshole?" "Yup," I said.

Geeze, you'd think we were back in Indiana or something! I can only hope these two haven't figured out how to breed.

Room-temperature IQs, unite!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like they were just trying to put one over on the cashier and got caught.