Tuesday, October 27, 2009

My last week!

I was told that my layoff was being moved up to the end of October. Hurrah! A couple hours later, I found myself singing the chorus of the "Salvation Army Song" to myself, except I'd changed "S-I-N" to "I.O.M." (the initials of the operating division I was working for). I think I'm really, really happy about this.

Oh, G-L-O-R-Y to be S-A-V-E-D!
H-A-P-P-Y to be F-R-double-E!
F-R-double-E from the bonds of I.O.M.
Glory, glory, hallelujah, tra-la-la, amen!



Sonya said...

Congratulations in advance!

John Hedtke said...

Actually, this was a mispost--I was updating posts and this accidentally got posted with today's date when I updated it. I corrected it to show the proper date, but too late! ~blush~

But it's been some months and I am still wildly happy at getting laid off. I got good terms from the company and I was FREEEEEEEEEE! I got thrown into the briar patch, I did! :D