Thursday, February 02, 2006

Just stuff

Life's pretty good today.  I'm working on a magazine article on government purchasing of laptops and PDAs, doing some research so I have a better understanding of the facts.

I got back from the STC Board meeting in Atlanta, which was very productive, and am finally rested up and recovered.  Most of it was just getting rid of the last bits of this cold, which kept me coughing and snurfling all through the Board meeting, much to my embarrassment (and probably the annoyance of my fellow Board members--I'm sorry!).  The Babe and I were very glad to see each other again.  I hate being away from her.  I've been feeling really exceptionally goopy and romantic and it was wonderful to be back where I could see her once again. 

Susan reported that BC had also been missing me while I was gone: he'd rowdle around the house and sound plaintive.  He's back to fine health as best I can tell and his fur is growing back on the large shaved patch on his side.  (BC is asleep on the warm part of the top of the monitor at the moment.  Yang joined him right after I typed that.  Here's a picture of the two of them; they immediately started striking photogenic poses.)



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