Wednesday, August 26, 2009

A poem from Leigh Ann Hussey

I was just looking for an article that I wrote in 1986 in a pile of old papers and I found an amazing poem by Leigh Ann Hussey.

Leigh Ann Hussey was an amazingly good musician who died in a motorcycle accident in May 2006. I knew her through various circles for a long time before that. When she was in Seattle in 1987 or so, she spouted one of her poems off and I was enchanted and asked her to write it down for me, which she did, and signed it.
I will arise arise and go now,
And get my coffee cup
And some strong coffee pour there
With cream and sugar laced—
Nine cupfuls will I make there
When I have gotten up
And drink them all
Ere the world I face.

I will arise and go now,
For always, night and day,
I hear the coffee boiling
With gurgles in the pot
When I lie beneath the covers
Or in the twilight grey,
I bless the world
When my brew is hot.


1 comment:

Andi said...

While I didn't know the original, I learned it from a record album and hear it now - still - in my head in Judy Collins' shimmering voice.

And I love good parody and I can hear this in Judy Collins' voice, though she ain't what she were, (I knkow, i know, but having recently heard her sing, I had to cringe just a tad.)

For those unfamiliar, it's WB Yeats' "The Lake Isle of Innisfree" and you can google it to see just how good this is.