Sunday, December 07, 2008

Yule Cards

It's always a bit of a question whether or not I'll be getting out Yule cards. It's not a small deal, really: the mailing list is about 250 people, so it's a real operation to do so. But I'm thinking that we will be getting Yule letters & cards out this year, but they're going to go out the last week or so before the holiday. Getting everything done that I have to get done prior to getting cards out is going to be the gating factor in all of this.

So there will be something this year... just a bit late.

1 comment:

De Murr said...

Our card list isn't quite as long as yours. It sits at about 175. Gary and I have a system we have developed and are able to get everything done in about ten hours. But it is still a daunting task. A strong motivator is visualizing all the older folk on the list who I know don't hear from us as frequently as they would like.