A A - Pocket rockets
K J (offsuit) - Bachelor hand
K 9 - Dog pound
Q Q - Siegfried and Roy
Q 3 - Gay waiter (queen with a trey) (Okay, yes, it's tacky....)
J 8 - Jeffery Dahmer (ate jack)
J 5 - Motown
5 10 - Woolworth's
6 9 - Big lick
A largely personal blog with much silliness, Tales of the Babe & Me and of Susan the Wonderchild, lots of cat photos, and other miscellaneous stories and observations.
Names for Texas Hold 'Em hands
At the STC SoCal Awards Banquet
A nice, snappy little video on the police state
Scooter Libby got convicted
"Black Sheep" -- coming this summer!
George Takei is so cool!