Q: Why did the Buddhist refuse to fill in the job application?
A: Because Form is Emptiness and Emptiness is Form.
A largely personal blog with much silliness, Tales of the Babe & Me and of Susan the Wonderchild, lots of cat photos, and other miscellaneous stories and observations.
Joke du jour
Picture du jour: Music notation at its best
Blog post #1004
Kewbism, an online cartoon strip
Brilliantly sarcastic responses to completely well meaning signs
Mark Zuckerberg screwed over his classmates and his best friend. Do you honestly think he cares about your opinion on the new layout?
Quote du jour
Hedtke's Law #12: Life is like a rose bush. Enjoy the flowers and ignore the occasional prick.
Hedtke's Law #12
Self-publishing is not ALWAYS a good thing
Physics is fun with dogs!
Dave's Killer Bread demo
How to keep idiots off the Internet
"Mean Little Kitty"
Roasted Brussels sprouts
Science joke du jour
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Business news du jour
My favorite story from Jim Weldy
The world's smallest Klein bottle
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The Bechdel Test for women in movies
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Repost: Former Christian Apologizes for Being Such a Shithead for All Those Years
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Installing Rapture v1.02
Here's a new word for you!
Latest Rapture quote du jour
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Green (as in ecologically) condoms
Cool steampunk stuff
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Really funny French video clips
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a more decent sort of critterSusan wrote the following response:
would stop and seize & shiver
dare never
to call this awful abode, with its trashful clutter
a more decent sort of critter
the kind without the nervous jitter
would spend its sundays only half in slumber
would write a list, list each item with a number
cross the items off & have them dismembered, all but disremembered
before going back to slumber
in the shiny, sanitary (rarely solitary) bed in the clean abode
a more decent sort of critter
but not this one.
A more decent sort of critter
would surely clean the shitter
address the laundry pile
and do it with a smile
the dishes would be cleaned
the bathroom floor degreamed
the cat box scooped with glee
the ceiling cobweb free
however, this is, oh my,
a critter who simply is not I
who lays all morning in a bed
visions of kickball in my head
Tomorrow, perhaps, I may be neat
Today, I'll kick balls with my feet.
A Friday poem from Susan the Wonderchild
Blunt cards!
Quote du jour
That smell of books
A great shopping receipt
All things being equal, it will always take longer.This is something that I'm sure other people have said in similar ways, but I'd like to record this here and now for whatever it may be worth.
Hedtke's Law #11
Cartoon music things you never knew
Quote du jour
Blog post #957
This will make your dayGreen Harbor Publications also has a lot of information about the Writing 69th, a group of journalists in the European theater of WWII that included Walter Cronkite, Andy Rooney, and many other notables. There are some great photos and stories.
10 things girls love about men
Your dreams have come true
Start Working Today
A babe-filled life awaits you
Plans for the day's end
No workout, lose weight
Ardorize for your woman
Russian dating site
Be cool, think different
Treat your pain with Percocet
Love them and leave them
Spam is good for something after all: haiku!
Stabs from the past
Joke du jour: an oldie but a goodie
Handspring Puppet Company: The genius puppetry behind War Horse
Think your cats aren't pampered enough?
Too stressed? Life getting you down?
Statistics on pastors
Wizardry stamps from the Royal Post!
Dir...Miles Brothers.
This film, was originally thought to be from 1905 until David Kiehn with the Niles Essanay Silent Film Museum figured out exactly when it was shot. From New York trade papers announcing the film showing, to the wet streets from recent heavy rainfall & shadows indicating time of year & actual weather and conditions on historical record, even when the cars were registered (he knows who owned them and when the plates were issued).. It was filmed only four days before the quake and shipped by train to NY for processing. Amazing but true! Copied from www.archive.org.
This film was "lost" for many years. It was the first 35mm film ever that has come to light. It was taken by a camera mounted on the front of a cable car as it`s traveling down the street. You feel as if you're really there, standing at the front looking down the street, an amazing piece of historic film. The number of automobiles is staggering for 1906. Absolutely amazing! The clock tower at the end of Market Street at the Embarcadero wharf is still there. How many street-cleaning people were employed to pick up after the horses? Talk about going green!
Great historical film!
No wonder there had to be laws created to regulate driving habits. This is insane. Good thing they couldn't go very fast. This is a fascinating movie. A camera on the front of a street car 105 years ago. Look at the hats the ladies were wearing and the long dresses. Some of the cars had the steering wheels on the right side, I wonder when they standardized on the left? Sure were still a lot of horse drawn vehicles in use. Mass transit looked like the way to get around. Looks like everybody had the right of way! And the >people in San Francisco were already jaywalking!
A trip down Market Street. The original version of which can be downloaded at www.archive.org suffered badly from "Film Roll" at the beginning and end, this version however has had those faults corrected and shows a lot more detail particularly at the end were the film froze and skipped frames.
Film of downtown San Francisco 4 days before the 1906 quake, and after
Repost: IKEA was here before the Druids and before Stonehenge
Why you won't get into Heaven
Jane Austen Inspired Video Game Company Declares Bankruptcy
SAN FRANCISCO, CA – The Jane Austen inspired company that devoted itself to developing, “World class” video games based around the novels of Jane Austen declared bankruptcy after three years of business and having sold less than fourteen copies of their games.
“We simply overestimated the interest for Jane Austen video game porting,” said Cal Witherington, the CEO of the now bankrupt corporation.
The company released three video game titles, “Sense and Sensibilities", “Pride and Prejudice” and “Emma". Despite, an aggressive ad campaign, the games hardly sold at all. Developed for the PS3, Wii and XBox 360, the games were given high scores for video and look, but dismal scores for actual game play.
“It looks wonderful! The animation is down right perfect,” noted Adam Jones of IGN. “The problem was, there was no action in the games at all. One goal was to just walk around slowly, while talking. One mission included going on a long walk in the rain. That mission took two hours to finish!”
Some implementation of the game didn’t work too well either. In order to playing on the PS3 or Xbox 360, the player needed to press one button to act nice, another button to act proper. “In the end, the game became more of a button smasher,” according the IGN review. Players playing on the Wii really just needed to jerk the nunchuck and waggle to Wii Remote to get the same affect. The faster they shook, the better the score.
IGN went on to note, “One potential benefit of the game for ‘Pride and Prejudice’ was that you could play as many of the characters, including Mr. Darcy, though you needed to unlock that by scoring over 200 points in the dancing portion of the game, a hard feat. But in the end, it became nothing more than a waggle fest to brood.”
The company lost more than $20 million since they started three years ago and were forced to shut their doors. It remains unknown whether anyone will pick up their latest project, and first to move off from Jane Austen, “Little Women".
Absurd video games
Back from South by Southwest
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Dumb jokes du jour
The Hood Canal Bridge
The Redhead song
Hedtke's Law #10: Trying to figure out 'crazy' isn't going to make any sense to you if you're not.
Hedtke's Law #10
Fun stuff
Joke du jour
Awwww, cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute!
HAPPY HOUR SPECIAL ==> Lobster Tail and Beer"Lord-a mercy!" he says to himself, "Them's my three favorites!"
Joke du jour
Quote du jour
Quote du jour
When life hands you lemons...
Maps of Ancient London
Can you tell if you're a sex addict?
Offensive drawing.
Nerd jokes du jour
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Capture funnies
"Nibs" in Eugene
The United States of Awesome
The United States of Shame
Apropos of the post a few days ago
Haiku du jour
Quote du jour
Hand-in-glove with this pathology is that SP has been attending a Dominionist church. It's all rules-based stuff with this pathology, and the harder and clearer the rules, the better for people like this. You remember how Faux News made a big fuss about Obama's church and the Rev. Wright? It seemed like a tempest in a teapot. I never quite got the nature of the complaints people were making: he thought that black people (well, anyone who was non-white, really) were still being oppressed by an essentially racist society and that everyone needed to band together and address this, something like that? Well, I think there's a strong case to be made for that: this is still an essentially racist society, though not nearly as bad as it used to be 50 years ago, thank goodness, and we could all do a helluva lot better. As far as I could tell, that was most of the complaint.
I didn't see a real issue with the Rev. Wright at the time, particularly not when you're looking at a candidate for Vice President whose church has the tenet of believing in Christian theocracy. Dominionism is part of Christian Reconstructionism, a movement founded in the 70s by R. J. Rushdoony. He felt that we need a government based on the laws of God, which would require all citizens to observe the strict Reconstructionist form of Christianity, and which would punish moral sins ranging from blasphemy to homosexuality with death.
I know people who don't think this connection is anything significant. My feeling is they're not paying attention, they're ill-informed, or they may just be in denial: some people don't like to think that folks can be that malign and toxic. (We call them "the slow gazelles in the herd.") Evangelical Christians who think that they need to be running the country as an evangelically-conservative Christian country make me want to reach for my wallet and my weapons, and not necessarily in that order. They've got the look of Jesus in their eyes and they will kill you in order to save you and/or to stop your sins from corrupting the rest of Amurr'ka. We've already seen what they think of witches. (For those interested in more about the dangers of this set of beliefs or who just doesn't believe that Sarah Palin could be that fucked up, you can read this, too.)
Something you may not have known about Sarah Palin
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A fun, weird project
Writing the current chapter
How not to drink vodka
Divvying up an estate
I really like apple brandy
I see faces everywhere....
Optical illusions to lighten your day
Day by day, we make incremental progress
The network said in a statement that while "'The Kennedys' is well acted, well produced and a quality miniseries, it doesn't fit the Showtime brand."
Quote du jour
The Dot and the Line: A Romance in Lower Mathematics
Why women like "Twilight"
What books were best-sellers the day you were born?
The Mapping Stereotypes project
Robert Frost and Hernando's Hideaway
Tasteless Joke du Jour